Care & Maintenance

Cleaning and maintenance of Polycarbonate roofing material

The user must clean the panels of accumulated dust and dirt on weather exposed surfaces no less than twice a year, or more frequently where extreme conditions of dust and dirt prevail. We recommend cleaning in Spring and Autumn to reduce mould growth.

Clean with warm soapy water (mild detergent) and a soft sponge or soft brush. Rinse down thoroughly. Do not remove the sheets to clean once installed. Refer to safety recommendations as outlined in the Laserlite® product brochure. Important - Sealants The Laserlite® installation instructions are designed to prevent leaking and alleviate the requirement for sealants. In the unlikely event a sealant is required we recommend using a neutral sealant product only like Laserlite® Roof and Gutter. Most other sealants will damage the sheet and restrict expansion and contraction.

Chemical Properties Laserlite® is affected by methylated spirits, benzene, petrol, ketones, acetone, phenols, chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum-based paints, abrasive cleaners, and solvents.

Powder Coated Components

Clean with warm soapy water (mild detergent) and a soft sponge or soft brush. Rinse down thoroughly.

Do not allow Sunscreen to come into contact with any powder coated surfaces, as this can cause irreversible colour damage.